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@tim %hSot6Y2932RjacIq4nM0mVzMKV4fVApJMaqxSaLGAJ8=.sha256
Re: %43k0U0uGU

Sorry you had such a hostile experience @dinosaur I hope you are feeling okay

Let's make up a name for this particular network of pubs and accounts, and optimize to make it a nice and welcoming place.

Yes. This is very important.

Ideally, we display this code of conduct when requesting an invitation on a pub.

We already have a Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct on github. Although it describes expected behaviour for those contributing code to the project is there anything to stop us from using it immediately as a temporary communitiy code of conduct for this particular "ewok village" and advertising that on the invite page? (To be honest, I had assumed that it did apply when I first joined.)

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