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@mix %hVJhboJljkgCwb9F7WLLVrSytWXJ9Vy0d2aUsp40nic=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6

here's the 'document' you get back from get

  key: MessageId,
  title: String,
  startDateTime: {
    epoch: UnixTime,
    tz: String                 // *
  description: String,
  location: String,
  image: {
    link: Blob,
    name: String,             // *
    size: Integer,            // *
    type: MimeTypeString      // *
  images: [ Image, Image, ... ] // Objects of same form as image property
  attendees: [ FeedId, FeedId, ... ]

To this I'm also going to add:

  • heads : sometimes it's useful to have access to the most recent messages in the document/ thread histroy (e.g. for populating the branch attribute on messages)
  • thread : all the backlinks in causal order (including posts and whatever else)
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