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@dan %iGZQUFd3/2ceP9uZ8FS4W76VA8nl+wkwZM6aoit8wsE=.sha256
Re: %fFAQ35yxX

I am personally feeling the weight of being the Man in the the Middle. As in I know you all more than you know eachother. I would love if you three could POW WOW this and commune before the weekly meeting. I am about to hop on a flight to EU so am going to be our of action over thaat period.

As I have said - I actually think the issues that we have are some differing opinions of strategy of working under the constraints that we are. That's about it.

There is tension happening around rhythm - that is I am on 2 days, @mix and @peg are on 3 days. We all seem to be spreading that work over the work week. That makes sense given the three of us are on babyLyfe schedules. @kieran is on two days a week but available for comms 4 days. Kieran you have expressed to me that you feel out of the loop and frustrated that the work that you do is out of Sync / not properly engaged with. I would agree that that is the case on both counts. Part of this was predicted right at the beginning when we had the re-gathering and I think myself, maybe peg, I know alanna and mix expressed that from experience the person arriving in to work at the end of the work week might find it smoothest if they allowed others to line up work for them. I recal that you expressed that you didn't need others to do that for you and it'd be cool.

I think part of what we're experiencing right now stems in part from that differential.

What we are learning to do is how software can be built in a non-Silicon-Valley way. Each go round the roundabout that we go we learning new things and experiencing new problems. This is all important stuff and it is ALL HARD. You know something is hard when @bob pops into your thread and says this is important AND hard.

This difficulty is not specific to us. Lets not take it personally. Lets do a reflection round, clear the emotional and psychic pipes, lets learn, lets share our learnings, lets build stuff and lets hop back on the merry go round to experience MORE difficult and challenges :)

cc: @kieran-two

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