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@mix %O8S5eMZb6d7lG7i5+aXsf3HY/FF4vrL/0PZxF8RrdJY=.sha256

nice work @teq. I left a couple of comments (search or mix) in the top half of the document.

My main disagreement is with the word harmony. I don't personally resonate with it that much, because I think it's got a public image of a static state of bliss and so much coherence there's no conflict. My idea of harmony is dynamic tension... as in you might see a quite forest pool, but if you look closer there are microbes and nematodes and amphibians and erosion and trees all pull against and with one another, and it's this noisy manyness which brings the beautiful adapation and evolution.
This is probably just part of my hangup of being mistaken as being nice (as distinct from kind). If harmony doesn't evoke niceness for most people feel free to ignore me!

My other question was who this was for. I found reading this quite dense in a way that I don't think I've found conversational threads. Is this meant to upgrade ? If so I think I'd vote for thinking about how to split it up, and weave images and stories around it. That or cut it way down to the diagram and some defitions and have links out to more in depth unpacking on different pages. Full disclosure I'm quite visual, prefer naratives, and don't like dense texts that much (so I might be from a totally different world and maybe we should have multiple representations of our principlces which welcome different readers differently <3

@Dominic %pSufL7MQr+EN8JBkWJ9ti8+jHlUOCmvOXG1kL6++bPI=.sha256

I spell subjectivity with an e but that's just my opinion

@Dominic %zrrYCB1MX+CBU7LFvBZ/2i+Y0Oq1861wElXdylBLHrQ=.sha256

@mix it might be dense because it's part of that ethnographic research thing @teq is doing about us ;)

I'm fine with "harmony", but "balance" also works. Incidentially, in music, harmony is when several things are vibrating, not at the same rate, but the ratios between them are simple proportions.

You definitely need some dynamic tension to get good vibrations.

@dan %NrTIYLtkEw7bTnvIczdmA8LUWD9HguQJ5NfRIhmrwYE=.sha256

equilibrium also works? suggests a wave of resonances and dissonaces?

@mix %69trP5ZS7Rj4G+kE8MDzaokajIAAePttFDXbPayWqVE=.sha256

I'm down with equlibrium.
e.g. in chemistry you can have reactions which run forwards and backwards (e.g. an acid interaction with water and relinquishing a free H+ ion), and the equlibrium state is when the two directions are balanced, even though they are opposing.

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@andrestaltz %h63vUFw2x+0BuTjd9rWR5DgQuNEYeJa9ZVUbr4IXZww=.sha256

This looks all good! One technical suggestion: to make it easier to update, should we have the stack drawn as an ASCII chart instead of raster or svg? E.g. is handy

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