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@Hendrik Peter %kuKvYR+RAUs83zjmu78bniFgADIMGkdDJQKkX1DpaVs=.sha256

org_022dcb9c4c9eaed7_1598632206000-Pano smaller.jpg

The first #extrasolar day was a blast! I figured all other attendees are already posting pictures of them sitting on porches and in meeting rooms, So I figured to give bit of an impression of the place we're at by going birds-eye view.

Most of the event is happening in a really cozy youth-activities room right in the middle of the little island that is the city of Tornio. Sweden and Finland are separated by a river (and the baltic sea), Tornio is bit like an island separating the river before it ends in the baltic sea.

And then there is Merja.'s backyard were we ended the day with a fantastic BBQ in a BBQ hut! I need one of those myself, it's a sauna, but the sauna bit is a bbq!

@cryPhone📱 %lCdn4G7FC/RDLxNL68x2Yrkae84yqvo+Tnw5T1/In+I=.sha256
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