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@cel %l3kdxECtwCKjqbBjTCgw+ZAMGvf6iep7hXQTgbfzSx4=.sha256
Re: %20VryuirF

@Rabble it's very nice of you and Planetary to offer to host an event here and to help people with travel costs!

I'd be down to check out #pantilokpom .

Could there be a slightly earlier and/or later option, in case anyone is going to camp setup/takedown (Aug. 22-23rd and 28th-29th, respectively)?

Also @nanomonkey very nice of you to offer your place. An event at Omni Commons would be cool too!

I hope people take up these offers to help attend DWeb Camp and/or just for fun!

Also, may I remind anyone to apply to volunteer at DWeb Camp itself if you want/need to. (Also reminding myself here...)

Apply for fellowship by May 15:
Apply to be a Space Steward or general Volunteer (half-time or full-time) by May 31:

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