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@Soapy mcSoap %l92YR6o8om9XNo6jNAEEWWY+6g67a0S95qH0UkIBJJo=.sha256

Just had a shepperd's pie here... remembered I don't really like them. As in I don't find them bad but if I'm gonna eat lamb, I'd rather have a kebab.

@enkiv2 %sZQA8yDQksD1HQPZaTgmEJUQl7XGsU/BR1wiSToDaM0=.sha256

The appeal of shepherd's pie for me has always been that it's a meal that contains meat, veggies, and starch all in one dish, so I don't have to prepare several different dishes, and that it's straightforward to make a giant pot of it once a week and eat leftovers all week. But, I've mostly switched to stew with rice in it.

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@atomicpoet %tURpSxOd0gr36igtIFyuhM7nkmEQN+2SLHz7mkPvJoo=.sha256
Voted Just had a shepperd's pie here... remembered I don't really like them. As i
@hubert %MtL1znxViilA4z3Tr8qXBoyQcFAzLuAYkJDLzc9J0YE=.sha256

What's a shepherd's pie?

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