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@mix %mnQ+Keusfzmc8uLJ0ubYDVS+hxcYpl+XBvIs2CaJFxg=.sha256

I had 3 calls this morning back-to back, and all of them made my heart sing:

  • @Nico : we completed our "life stories in 4 minutes" ritual, then talked about the work we're doing, why. I shared some of my growing passion for what how digital identity is being shaped, and Nico pointed out I should talk more with Nic (from this project we're already talking with in Namibia) who has 20 years of experience researching identity & declonisation <3. I also realised Nico is another community gardener (how didn't I know that before)
  • @karissa : we met to discuss an open-source sustainability call we are going to organise, and because @noffle pointed out it was ridiculous we hadn't talked yet. I feel like I'm a scuttlebutt version of karissa ... another community gardener, cheer-leader, leader, coordinator. We spend a bunch of time talking about who we are, and then when it came to organising next steps it was so easy ... what a delight to work with someone really experienced in invocations. the ssbc open-collective will be backing some of her coordination work
  • @Maui and I got together to discuss milestones for work on #ahau over the next 6 months ... and we talked about so much. The identity thread, how a colleague of ours is working with gov-tech as we speak to help guide government thinking about identity, and how we're rallying to back her up. Ambitious plans for what we're building, what grants we might be able to access, and who we'd love to be able to fund more in this work.

thanks all, what an inspiring day

@mix %0t0cckluFblWyDQTwXUjotqi9+Z9W6YxXNyVpENckKI=.sha256

cc @karissa (found!)

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