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@Alice Yuan Zhang (she/her) %muyXFOHry/lCOGLkyLhOfzBv7nGBJr2OinDt6+brI5M=.sha256

Hello all! I’m Alice 元(Yuan) Zhang, a new media artist and 1st Gen Chinese immigrant based on Tongva, Chumash, Kizh land.

I co-founded and co-organize virtual care lab, an open ecosystem for practicing purposeful online/offline presence and creative work as a form of civic engagement.

As part of my practice, I’m conjuring up a week-long participatory interventional project, specifically a digital re-habit based on ecological and somatic ‘protocols’, working with daily prompts, using an SSB platform as neutral subtrate.

Congrats on the Planetary launch! Excited to connect with folks of resonant values for our digital futures.

planetary attachment no.1

@Alice Yuan Zhang (she/her) %LiTrYn/VvsN/SaFdEdgQsH8lKtfQf8lhDqJ0663cD0U=.sha256

#ecology #mycelium #scuttlebutt #artist #somatic #community

@cass %CivlJITacoktB/zpdZNJd8QMzwkX4OeclVvtTr5PCcA=.sha256
Voted Hello all! I’m Alice 元(Yuan) Zhang, a new media artist and 1st Gen Chinese
@cel-desktop %KwopYCQ3mWgPW4nu7FCT7+gt63EftXclqO2QC9hzhNs=.sha256

Welcome, Alice. Good luck with the project; I hope to hear more.

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@ओषधिः %07zEZ1YLZCNd9P6dhougEgMOObbrviyM7GJrx5KvwaM=.sha256

hi @Alice Yuan Zhang , glad to see you here again

very curious about a week of intentional daily digital prompts, if you want to share more about it, although I guess it sounds like you will also be sharing the outputs of it here on ssb too

in any event welcome back to the scuttleverse, the pub I made before is currently/temporarily down, so glad you found a connection through planetary too

@Linas %mX6VqpH6TcxgJRHBNUf4DsBRd/ODklwBTMYwwiaIJnQ=.sha256
Voted Hello all! I’m Alice 元(Yuan) Zhang, a new media artist and 1st Gen Chinese
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