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@enkiv2 %nAHsbtIzrWV51D3uuJdAxze6ldg0omG4mVBgCm6H+cY=.sha256

On one machine (I've got three running it), manyverse crashes every time I post something and also during most database rebuilds, because some integer that was downloaded as part of a message at some time in the past was wider than expected. It makes trying to use ssb from this machine extremely annoying.

Anybody got an idea for a fix other than ditching this account entirely?

It's been like this ever since I migrated, and I don't think the maintainer has the bandwidth to fix such a rare problem (only reported twice according to the bug tracker). But he's gotta be getting automated crash reports from me thousands of times a day because that's how often my manyverse crashes.

@enkiv2 %dTIWbg1Gukl4nnoqaGWclqFfNY4WlWCtr53naTI6s8k=.sha256

(Manyverse also crashes a lot on my phone but I think that's OOM, because SSB is sort of a poor fit for embedded platforms and electron is definitely a poor fit for embedded platforms. I don't really expect things to work reliably on phones so it's nbd)

@Cory ~😎 %3yB40A/xVCoy5fqKKXSMkGlNk+PZtzqg+qKMN5k5Z8k=.sha256

Do you have a link to the bug or a callstack or something?

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