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@Cory ~😎 %3yB40A/xVCoy5fqKKXSMkGlNk+PZtzqg+qKMN5k5Z8k=.sha256
Re: %nAHsbtIzr

Do you have a link to the bug or a callstack or something?

@enkiv2 %KvXP8jwdTYEpCNnBgvzF5ycf8tpRwsxP0XfIkd+JXOQ=.sha256

RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "value" is out of range. It must be >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647. Received 2308514105
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
at checkInt (node:internal/buffer:72:11)
at writeU_Int32LE (node:internal/buffer:692:3)
at Buffer.writeInt32LE (node:internal/buffer:861:10)
at NumsFile.saveFile (/opt/Manyverse/resources/app/index.js:111144:7)
at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/Manyverse/resources/app/index.js:112678:22)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)
at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)
worker exited with code 1

@andrestaltz %WIspkbylcybRj8mZnZwqtzhtf+Z7OGKVjyelwQRaJV8=.sha256

@enkiv2 I've seen this bug report sometimes and I don't think it's caused by some rogue user content, because the input to "NumsFile.saveFile" is not user content, it's the size of the log. I would suspect it has to do with your database log being huge, or then some logic bug in ssb-db2 which is hard to reproduce and fix.

Unfortunately, you're right that I don't have the bandwidth to fix these issues and also I don't see it being worth it long-term to maintain a system that will inevitably die, if not by other factors, then definitely by out-of-memory crashes, as it already is true e.g. on your phone.

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