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@Rich %nl9MLN9PdkW5ctISWtDrSZs7iAR+Ub6i43pY/wgJsmc=.sha256
Re: %5jHaTgcge

maybe one day we can go fabric shopping and @nati will show us how to sew those awesome pants which are basically a square folded in half with your legs poking out A and B and your hips at C:

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|          |      |⟍        |      ⟍ A     C|
|          |      |  ⟍      |        ⟍      |
|          |  =>  |    ⟍    |  =>      ⟍    |
|          |      |      ⟍  |            ⟍ B|
|          |      |        ⟍|              ⟍|
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