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@Dominic %oIgISZHZbW3TSSP28XKSBQZsn3uKpwP06MiRDDEqUBI=.sha256
Re: %d5LMs6b/N

@cryptix that looks great!
question: is the path a path to an executable? I was considering maybe it should be a path to a directory, with a executable and manifest inferred by a convention, OR, have a path to an executable + manifest. Hmm, have a think about how to specify it's permissions?

When I was writing this, I remember thinking that a plugin wouldn't "know it's own name" it would export {foo, bar, baz} and then get loaded as the fbb plugin. calls to would get routed to fbb, but fbb would be stripped from the call path before written to the plugin. so the sbot receives but the plugin just sees foo. I think this is important for security and for modularity, because it gives the server the ability to rewire plugin dependencies.

I think it would be good to have a plugins2 method to load/reload/kill a plugin on demand, though I think I recall only implementing plugins at startup?

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