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@cryptix %ocYsmSHjsC4hOTZ0i6ZogGz0bvAzVKPubbgXpsGPxto=.sha256
Re: %WS8k0+hN1

hey @kik!

Do the go-muxrpc and secretstream go libs mean we can communicate with a running "official" sbot (the one written in js)?

yes exactly! the cmd/go-sbot is our attempt at sbot server with it's own db and gossiping. The client is a bit burried in all the messy boilerplate we are cooking currently.

If you want to experiemnt with a simple client calling js sbots, i just pushed an sbotcli branch as an example of what is required. It can call async commands, for example sbotcli call whoami or sbotcli call status. And there is another example of draining a createHistoryStream source. See sbotcli hist --help.

repo links:

cc #golang

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