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@cryptix %olOucDyWeWORArHfHNr8+1IdQ86OionAZSsSjWCc0V0=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

I suggested starting stupid because it's quick and can be improved.

I see, it's just that I fear running a peer with

Prefers peers that haven't been connected to in the longest amount of time.

will result in endless attempts of all the offline-junk, that is most of the type:pub messages. I tend to configure my pub for dial-in only anyway but the default might become iffy for some installations.. Than again, I have no idea who often pubs are updated once they were created... more motivation to bring pubmon to a usable state... :)

Maybe it's more a question of what we relase to whom? I'd be definitly willing to test this branch, maybe from towmorrow or later today.

That's the only thought I really wanted to raise with this.

Re isLocal I'm sorry I re-explained something you already knew. I just wanted to give some insights and see if we are on the same page what and why this was (invites, skip friend graph on local network). Going foward, I totally agree - see my involvment in scopes and connections.

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