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@mix %p2sBD9HDdj+O7yXr2NCtfUR2bl6Ri5u+3fjyr3hbN2k=.sha256
Re: %iietnaHpf

Is it different?

Yes, I feel it's fundamentally a different conversation space. My intuition is to visually and programmatically keep them distinct rather than munging them together and being suprirsed when the medium that emerges from our sloppy invokation / frame is a confusing a nd jarring mess. Ooooo and look at me! Turns out I've got strongish feelings about this. I'd love to explore this tension in conversation. I also think I want to spend some time making sure we're on the same page about how threads work. The ssbdrv description about tangles is really on point and a great reflection of how things are working in threads (from my subjective perspective). Highly recommend reading the early part of that README

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