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@Dominic %pQ5cntC5W6dm3Spx6HcNjmOSu0rcaKtwl+fX0DyVZL0=.sha256
Re: %TMtnvFldv

@moid yes, exactly. This is a classic move in the web 2.0 playbook. It's believed that a perception of exclusivity can make inclusion seem more desireable.

@alanna this doesn't mean a pub owner can't give out invites publically. hmm, I may have been unclear, here:

This proposal won't remove the need for pubs, but it hopefully will remove the need for pub invite codes.

emphasis on need, if a pub owner wanted to give out public invites that ability won't be removed (for example, because they wanted to be in a more roudy network)

But we'll have another way to do invites that are more directly related to a specific peron. It's more about broadening the moves we have available.

@mixmix I'll look at that, but this probably wouldn't be a straightforward bot, because cryptographic generation of the invite code should be done on the client. (so we are fully removing the power, except as a verifier, of the pub)

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