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@mmckegg %paQ2X9rKEFvrvvhjiYXStOLl7WDrmJ2R/sYQwgpeDcQ=.sha256
Re: %ttOgSGxgX


Any progress on the automated builds for installers?

Automated no, but have just verified that I can build for the big 3 platforms from my Mac using electron-builder! The only thing that was missing was prebuilds for electron-spellchecker.

You can probably just run npm run release:all in ticktack and it would just work... unless you are using other native deps besides the sbot ones (in which case you'll need to fork and follow the instructions above).

But it looks like automating the entire builds should be possible too! It is just key management that is a little tricky - but possible I think (oh besides key management is already a problem when not running macOS and trying to do mac builds). So I think it should totally be possible to do a fully signed Mac build using travis-ci and a similar technique to above.

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