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@Christian Bundy %qICG206V/ZkWOVbpgf5D3c6rpF2S3nR+4KEsL+gAMhM=.sha256
Re: %I6FaCzdXc


a few people at scuttlecamp are obviously able to get Internet, and thus they've read these messages

I won't speak for others, but personally I've been offline and haven't seen your messages. Our internet access is extremely limited in both bandwidth and capacity, and most of us have been spending time face-to-face.

I'd love if you could unpack this issue a bit. Could you post the exact configuration that allows LAN peers to query ssb-ws? My intuition is that this would require ssb-ws to be:

  • enabled
  • over the network
  • with noauth

For example, an ~/.ssb/config:

  "connections": {
    "incoming": {
      "ws": [{
        "scope": ["public"],
        "port": 9000,
        "transform": "noauth"

I'd be surprised if this information was being leaked with ssb-ws disabled, or with a seemingly secure config like:

  "connections": {
    "incoming": {
      "ws": [{
        "scope": ["device"],
        "port": 9000,
        "transform": "shs"
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