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@mikey %qVyGpOi2iqFvORd/UiIVO5hqv8AqqcMnyL9fcXoPr7Y=.sha256
Re: %43k0U0uGU

@vinay: Gab should be apprehensive. We will not be good hosts. Fork off! Or use Secure Scuttlebutt or something, they're free speech fundamentalists I believe. But not Ethereum. We are all communists.

@dinosaur: hey @vinay, those of us building Secure Scuttlebutt are not free speech fundamentalists, we're mostly communists too. 😊 we will not be good hosts to fascists either, they should build their own infrastructure.

@vinay: Ooooops. Fuck. I am so sorry about that! Well, gay on comrade!

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