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@mix %qXn4n0LWkHpCwhbP8rMyjOndRFRQhmk8RtKjfOBCAgo=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6


I just completed the flow I proposed in my grant application. Like this but prettier:

scry mockup

I'm super excited. The flow (from the perspective of the author of the scry_ goes as follows:

  1. start a scry
  2. once you've got input, "resolve" the scry (marks a particular time choice)
  3. clicking on the "New Gathering" button which is now available launches a form that's pre-populated with the selected scry time
  4. the published gathering has:
    • a progenitor field, which points back to the scry that made the gathering
    • a mentions field, including everyone who participated i nthe scry

People visiting the scry later will see a link through to the gathering it spawned
People mentioned will have the gathering show up in their friggen notifications (this bit might need a little more connecting, but the guts are all there).


This is merged in master now
NOTE - the refactor of patchbay-gatherings has improved it a bunch, but cannot currently attach images. I'll be doing that tomorrow (and making ait a component others can re-use, and ultimately add things like drag-and drop image support)

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