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@mix %qud7lEiL84T7IKbvyRYcUieVzz+C7NZ3sedz+vh7VHk=.sha256
Re: %EbEwIvXF4

hey @jolyon it's been another month.

At this point because I've neither heard nor seen anything (aside from you posting about travelling internationally) I'm personally writing off your grant as a failed experiment, and for myself marking you up as someone who I would not work with, nor recommend others to work with.

This isn't a threat, this is me being open and clear about my personal boundaries and wanting you to know how your lack of communication and how your lack of apparent integrity pans out for our future interactions.

I really wished I was wrong, and I still hold some small hope I'm wrong, but I'm not going to follow up any further.
For me, if you wanted to undo this dynamic I would expect you to communicate much more clearly, and either return that grant, or deliver something decent on it in the next month.

Go well

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