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@dan %r8Ol0jrDXRdwC1QU8LMiI6eLm4i35pRYTfHg+0N7HGQ=.sha256

mmt rhythm weekly standup meeting

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 08:30:00 GMT

3 attending

This is an inhouse developer meeting. We may in the future have open dev meetings for those interested in contributing. This is not an open meeting.

Purpose of this meeting is to map the new terrain.

This meeting slot will become our weekly Stand Up, so please book it in as a recurring meeting slot.

@dan %PFWxZXEtKwUYwjU97109nBFj+6cxul8KS6BnZAq2Xmg=.sha256

cc: @kieran-two @kieran @mix @peg

I know you're probably getting a notification about this gathering from the progenitor scry BUT those notifactions are silent to me the initiator - so, apologies for the duplicate ping!

Who'd like to faciliate and set up the campfire (document). In the event no-one else has nominated themselves by my wednesday, then I will assume the responsibilities and set up the :fire: on my Wednesday.

@mix %GEBwv3cl5Y7haQEfsp3XcDD7Iw/WXLOONGWqaZmeA8E=.sha256

arg, I realised this is in the middle of art hack.
will be there this week but would like to re-visit the scry and check in if peoples schedules are like to change

@dan %0L9NPfLw5OmMPlAV3BImpE9Y+XgZVheze/igkFP5Zac=.sha256

Argh - this got confusing to me.

@mix @kieran and @peg are asleep now and so changing this meeting sounds like it isn't going to work? I will turn up at the proposed meeting time.

@mix I also see what you mean about this gathering not showing up when running off of master.

I'm gonna revert :)

@dan %hbTHRmFz+LKTrLZoGv/dn5r/JCfA4XEJYyYT/dCyAjA=.sha256

Yep - works fine when running from commit 4ef413f

@dan %jJgC7IUVxhdXwffkaiyZbla1Iy4/2O/6E1VnIfDEXoY=.sha256

Not sure if we are going to have @peg with us as he may be otherwise engaged at or travelling from DevCon. Not sure.

@mix %Vc+3ZWcG+P1KKh0dOgO1+ih9sGAzujzbLaT/pRnDRgc=.sha256

master is now working @dan hassan

I intend to turn up - I said yes to this time. See you there!

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