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@mix %rFxpaceHr5tdWPyR+vqJUmUo+k1VYWIAO24cKzeZC14=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

I'm reall excited about all 3 of these:

  • memberships : this is a vital piece of infrastructure for groups in general, and so excited it could serve both orgs and maybe private groups some day. also, big fan of @elavoie's hard work commitment
  • ssb-list : low-fi, maximal personal responsibility. This feels like a fricken awesome iteration on the idea of couchsailing @gb. I would love to integrate this into Patchbay, so would love to keep in touch about how to do that when the time is right for you. gb has been around ages and I'm super excited for her to be coming back with energy and time to give!
  • routerless ssb - I'm don't know network layer stuff, but this sounds like it could generate some wins on several fronts. I haven't talked with @micro much, but they seem to have put time and thought into this alread. Also, this post %tOUxBgw... is simultaneously heart warming, AND getting shit done, which is a :+1: from me
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