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@mix %rlXRGuui2nldEwHZkwbf3uMhEnIp298f5PDdO5ty3gk=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6

Here's a sketch of the order I imagine I'm going to climb this mountain. I the course to change as a I reveal more of the terrain:

  1. Build a multi-choice poll type for timestamps
    • involves ssb-poll-schemas and perhaps scuttle-poll
  2. Build an interface (similar to Doodle)
    • set up a new poll
    • contribute to a poll
    • close a poll (announcing a chosen time)
    • see an overview of polls (optional for v1?)
  3. Have a poll generate a gathering
    • review the state of gatherings code
    • perhaps consolidate work from across the ecosystem
  4. Extract the calendar from patchbay
  5. Build standalone app
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