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@tim %sJ0ztGIRLdO6K305LnApwnmVrzY5/8FJ2Bh4bAiXAKw=.sha256
Re: %Tu6uAzPJR

My pleasure - thank you for making it and writing such clear instructions!

I know this is not your goal here but I've been thinking that if instead of using this to post to the main SSB network, you used it to post to an altnet then if you added web clipper functionality you could create an Evernote killer.

You could use it to post interesting articles to your own private journal of clipped articles which you could then sync to your other devices on the same altnet without ever needing to go through 3rd party servers with all the risks and costs that creates or worrying about where or how to back up your notes from those servers. The existing SSB clients could be used to review your clippings perhaps with new plugins for extra desired functionality (exports, merging).

What do you think? I'm probably missing something important here but it seems like it might be plausible.

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