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@tim %Tu6uAzPJR8cGT/jRZ2q0oCzTIwn4XzCQrWkI9zspvZY=.sha256

This is a test post using the Share on Scuttlebutt WebExtension for Firefox by SoapDog.

@tim %Hxydnbm9Qvbg9o6HZRLrsrmqdubeUOFJGOxzWG27+qY=.sha256

And it worked! \o/

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@tim %20FWvciBXbzEtTrsftuHfJscWGI+MwWljIisrR6XxmE=.sha256

@vtduncan is working on this right now. See Protocol docs GO!

There is also useful documentation at:

@tim %Exg91LpQnTOGsXxHJ2QQzJILZgvFbYPEGph+C+A6n+k=.sha256

There are also a number of people like @Josiah writing up what they learn on the #documentation channel and @mix is also contributing as part of his mentoring program.

@SoapDog %9stbRsqhSB2nLOfGuVSmRlC3nm4z6CBTHxjCtgiPV2Y=.sha256

@tim I am soooooo happy that this worked in other computer besides my pc and mac. I am eager to receive feedback on it and also feature requests :heart_eyes_cat: thanks a lot for checking it out.

@tim %sJ0ztGIRLdO6K305LnApwnmVrzY5/8FJ2Bh4bAiXAKw=.sha256

My pleasure - thank you for making it and writing such clear instructions!

I know this is not your goal here but I've been thinking that if instead of using this to post to the main SSB network, you used it to post to an altnet then if you added web clipper functionality you could create an Evernote killer.

You could use it to post interesting articles to your own private journal of clipped articles which you could then sync to your other devices on the same altnet without ever needing to go through 3rd party servers with all the risks and costs that creates or worrying about where or how to back up your notes from those servers. The existing SSB clients could be used to review your clippings perhaps with new plugins for extra desired functionality (exports, merging).

What do you think? I'm probably missing something important here but it seems like it might be plausible.

@SoapDog %q2NXpGKB0MBIPfa4ERc4JLHa9OtGdsXKDeefYMfin8g=.sha256

I was toying here with the idea of building a little app that would be a pinboard or delicious clone that would save the book marks to ssb using a public or private msg depending on your choice... it sounds like that.

My idea was to create a bookmark post type. You could have public bookmarks and private ones, they would all live in your feed and specialized clients could parse them and build a nice UI. The main problem is that once bookmarked, you can't really delete it.

@tim %V2WqhbaxBZ8rUVd3F99SBpfOCavlFkzp+huYFQtqhvE=.sha256

You need to share notes with @Josiah who is working on a bookmarks system at the moment!

To delete you can tag a post as deleted even though the data itself is immutable - as long as the client knows how to handle it when it comes to rendering, it doesn't really matter.

That sounds fantastic and useful.

I was thinking of an altnet so that nobody but you has to host the data. Although obviously if you want to optionally make bookmarks public it makes much more sense to have that on the main net.

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@SoapDog %GvKYm2e0DU674bVc4FKMxGV5y0LYXuf3oOeYplZL8nk=.sha256

Will check it all, thanks a lot!

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %KzQrq2p3vQvXZw1nz711zyX77/ZPz8z1ioX6215lxSE=.sha256

@Lars Wirzenius looks like the protocol documentation is ready:

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