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Feed of @Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga

Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %lXQ8E1IBKP+pf0k8KEYdqkQrubJSH3Nct0mmt0NweHw=.sha256
Voted Last year my parents gave me a rose cutting and now it's produced its first
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %iNX526HdlAZuOGWyusIxEKZH3zLPgLmsyUFLi/b4sGc=.sha256
Re: %kSHFetRmn

The vehicle needs a lot more juice than his house, so he's making a very large upgrade to the solar panels. @IBob

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %Yb3KkIqGknIzG+GbDWDdCuZcoNYqaqYjjCk0vsM7/rI=.sha256
Subscribed to channel #permacomputing
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %DC4ur4zmo403hyH/NlVWlWVr2XXQWXOGdMJfpaWTJvY=.sha256

Century-scale storage

I'm working my way through an interesting article on designing storage to last 100 years.

A good complement to the 50 year computer:

It's written through an archivist's lens, and discusses several technologies and their sociotechnical up and downsides. The author discusses p2p solutions, then moves on to filecoin, but seems to be proposing an archivists f2f solution, where archives hold each other's data for safekeeping.

Will this post still be readable in 100 years? There's probably several thousand copies of it by now, if the ssb network still has the number of nodes it had a few years ago.

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %iSze7Yb1n1mTl9QVtZRkaa6kfYmlGdhxzYClmJWUBEY=.sha256
Voted [@Jeremy List](@0W1ekqmNIN4e1IsAWBM1Kft6w5w86BMUdPO2M0SO83I=.ed25519) Nicel
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %Afupb0SSRgSR5T9d+4nn9jLxqnI/o4XuJosYnXrv5Jc=.sha256
Voted WE HAVE ACHIEVED LICENSE. He said this examiner was way nicer than the oth
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %s1NB8o30AmIAlqI3KFjqf+kEj7Ai9YecS5JC5A5OL+A=.sha256
Voted ![edinburgh under snow](&Lk8P8FLsn2feAKnDfMnm3AKxuUV1lDTHDw7IAXfRSzU=.sha25
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %6isYdNlAZHNVTm3nQplMkR5vWBOBngyXRtEj1lVBels=.sha256
Voted Another nice #recumbent ride today, this time on my QuestXS #velomobile Al
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %2M15pxwkil4TfonGk6SoIC7V3rxVzyllP00OK7Al0aA=.sha256
Followed @YsmsS21+g…
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %973+gFhZhEsbArJE90ax+ccFpUYTCdBF/iVUZbbjxjU=.sha256
Re: %bvLZDtIQE

I don't post much, but I'm

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