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@ओषधिः %bvLZDtIQEH5JywqT2jGTPdZV9nkInGkvp7DjWNXE+4o=.sha256

even if bluesky is just a twitter without ads and a bit more customization, I still prefer it to the meta/x stuff. will see how it unfolds over time

im here if you want to connect


feel free to post your handles in the comments here too

@ओषधिः %JwrnfnbzA6LxPQxmPBR8e/P76+Dt0mGae1YrnM4qqHc=.sha256

@andrestaltz post on bluesky

I'm very proud these folks are succeeding to make decentralized open source social nets mainstream. I tried with Manyverse and failed, but I realize that all the bold advocacy and predictions I did for decentralized open protocols was... after all correct.

@ओषधिः %7gtHtXIuD0p/BNSbkIH7b/K+nlYxMzqBcrjdmEjBckY=.sha256

another relevant post im thinking about:

People might say "everybody's doing it". But that's the judgmental version. The reality is that people want to be where other people are. That is part of their interests. So it might more sense to think of it as people making tradeoffs. We can still be judgmental if we believe it's not the right tradeoff. I'm just saying that the network is only as valuable as the people who show up.

there's another quote I'm thinking of too that I can't remember right now, but is something like the true value of a social network software is as a "catalyst for the network" -- from this perspective, the value of a network is not just the software itself, but the combination of software and timing that it was created that brought a certain set of people together (large or small)

I love this way of thinking about it... as a catalyst... also was one of the beautiful and special properties of ssb (just at a smaller and more niche scale, than these big networks which are sort of like "a common record/standard" that people congregate around for a time)

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@enkiv2 %XRXI+I3XfzhK+nrQPBG4k8NBpTPVc932M0HQlpjtye4=.sha256

I'm ; overall, my position is that it's pretty inferior to mastodon for my purposes, but I like that somebody decided to support external markup / overlapping links on the protocol level.

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@ओषधिः %oICeMBElbAuV7gcT+uelYgJKshwhqfrbyPFNAJ6CKOs=.sha256

I made a thread asking about it and getting into the details on mastodon, but I've yet to see an explanation of how bluesky is "not really decentralized" that doesn't misrepresent some parts of how it works

here is a link to a working group that is building independent instances of every piece of bluesky infrastructure from

I mean I also wonder how it will go overtime, and have other open questions... like will there be enough financial incentive for other groups to sustainably run their own idependent infra?, but I would also have questions like this for the fediverse and ssb... so to say bluesky is just a twitter clone also doesn't feel accurate to me

@moid @Head Beaches

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@ओषधिः %slJ/g6olJa6vYQX+Wp+oGyRrUNiPhxIaWXWm9QvZd9Q=.sha256

@moid curious what you make of it once you take another look into it

I also think this post from bnewbold, a bluesky dev, seems like an interesting angle

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@ओषधिः %JqypWcohQTSbKsn/+JL0Mulm09Mf2okcB2YyeAGqRUE=.sha256

@Techpriest Baunach 006 I agree with your assessment. I could imagine cozier versions of social media that don't really look or feel like twitter at all, but I also think that's not what most people want, like you said.

I could imagine bluesky (or something like it) replacing twitter, and other more alternative apps growing that look and feel entirely different, but are just more niche by their nature.

I don't really see bluesky as against that. I'm also curious what other stuff people will build on top of ATproto now that bsky has a larger network of users.

But we will see... I followed you over there too 🌿

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@ओषधिः %rXGeSI3wHQsAKOJgwJjETN3HtTlkiNJLijuND9wmNXY=.sha256

it’s not decentralized. Sure you run your own PDS, but running your own Relay will take some serious chops, and storage, as it uses MSTs.

this might be semantic about what "decentralized" means. I don't think it means "decentralized" to the individual, as its definitely too much chops to run your own server or relay, but decentralized like the internet is decentralized -- I could never personally become a tier 1 ISP, but I depend on tier 1 ISPs for internet access -- but because of the architecture, the various tier 1 ISPs have little influence over what I access through the internet. maybe more terminology would be helpful to differentiate these different types of decentralization?

Even if you run your PDS and Relays, all the DID resolution has to go thru BS. If I don’t run my own PDS where is my signing key?

I would like to understand this better. This isn't the main critique I see being shared around.

I’ll predict BS runs into serious scaling issues at 100m users.

also wondering about this

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@ओषधिः %Tl79rZOJzgnI45zHJRidJOCHOyeoLzFzNUGkAxD71ks=.sha256

@cblgh macbook @enkiv2 @Head Beaches @moid @nichoth @Techpriest Baunach 006

had a funny vision of us in this thread as rabbis discussing whether bsky was decentralized/kosher or not in the talmud

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@ओषधिः %ASo77z+wgJE5QIjsHRdaij+Mb7xvC1xYhxE0lX2TTfI=.sha256

@moid I have seen the doctorow article -- I like the idea of ulysses pact and avoiding lock-in, but whether ATproto has lock-in or avoids it via being open to adversarial interop, is where I think opinions differ

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %973+gFhZhEsbArJE90ax+ccFpUYTCdBF/iVUZbbjxjU=.sha256

I don't post much, but I'm

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