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@ओषधिः %JqypWcohQTSbKsn/+JL0Mulm09Mf2okcB2YyeAGqRUE=.sha256
Re: %bvLZDtIQE

@Techpriest Baunach 006 I agree with your assessment. I could imagine cozier versions of social media that don't really look or feel like twitter at all, but I also think that's not what most people want, like you said.

I could imagine bluesky (or something like it) replacing twitter, and other more alternative apps growing that look and feel entirely different, but are just more niche by their nature.

I don't really see bluesky as against that. I'm also curious what other stuff people will build on top of ATproto now that bsky has a larger network of users.

But we will see... I followed you over there too 🌿

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