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@andrestaltz %sjmcxQTDH2Nzvw1cW56KP6uy/Gc34QgDYrjLn4Rhdmo=.sha256

Anonymity in cypherspaces

I just discovered Cebolla, an IP anonymity protocol from ~2003. Similar to I2P or Tor or Freenet. Also Phantom is one, which I was implementing in Node.js in 2013, almost finished it back then but the project got abandoned. Just FYI in case people are looking for IP anonymizing protocols.

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@dan %SHkNKiCrKMtXuR5hiMVqe1UTw5RWPYawrao5BP/LgkM=.sha256

not sure if this has IP cloaking but does seem to be looking at issues of metadata leaking:


Just dropping this here, not meaning to derail, but related.

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