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@mix %srfbULmVJdtg9IJvjL8C5F0puZ6kKvTt1fbp9Hx04kI=.sha256

Intro to scuttle-dark-crystal (and scuttle-modules)

scuttle-dark-crystal module

In bringing @dan hassan up to speed with the #dark-crystal work we've done so far, we did a call where I worked through the basics of how scuttle-dark-crystal is built, the patterns, and a quick intro to testing.

@mix %s5rc1+qn0krsttPrR8Dh5zwX6RyY/Ivi8DtctXWftho=.sha256
@dan %OBBEdKdfXFmCdLzAKrP1GTarxoqImp6vwWzU7OxGJjA=.sha256

cc: #mmt #darkcrystal

@dan %ZXI6nc2gzoMavBewaLNWSRNMpO9ytJEPXWi6IftbV30=.sha256

cc: @peg @kieran @kieran-two here is the recording from today!

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@dan %9vtDRk65UfN66Nca9sTeobjVJI6KEAqqhUEuskJnY9g=.sha256

@peg we'll hopefully get to make a few more. It seems like an excellent way to amplify the effect of the synchronous time spent/sowed.


@mix %Uxtv+9Mn8aZVc9YBYplKIEohRB9pJDwBo7Krb+l6z2A=.sha256

oh the audio is terrible. I did some tests after the call and have found an infinitely better microphone setup....
NOTE TO SELF: always test microphone by pre-recording...

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