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@mikey %t8lWC+fi/sLe12oXmweJihxjuQ9xt0CUFEMtreRwBdc=.sha256
Re: %1TVZigDql

progress report

may have finally sorted out how to reliably run a pub! :white_check_mark:

have been having problems with two cases where sbot goes unresponsive

  • sbot ventures into some infinite loop that tries to do everything at once


  • sbot dies but is left alone


(screenshots of Digital Ocean droplet monitoring for, 1 GB mem, 1 vCPU)

i updated ssb-pub with:

  • a health check: sbot whoami :hospital:
  • instructions for how to use healer to automatically restart unhealthy containers :ambulance:

so far so good, i think it's already restarted some unhealthy containers, keen to see how this progresses.

oh and salt stack, butt-as-a-service with associated private config works on a Scaleway server, right meow configuring salt itself!

next steps are to

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