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@cel %tDOfQSuehhZiEtXBbNUjqB5V5E4RILNtRDRh4gL6sQM=.sha256
Re: %VG8tIpqII

Another format difference besides newlines: CommonMark allows footnotes/link-definitions within a blockquote. Example in %ithrMtt....

More complete differences between GFM and CommonMark (and Original), according to remark-parse:

GFM mode (boolean, default: true) turns on:

CommonMark mode (boolean, default: false) allows:

  • Empty lines to split blockquotes
  • Parentheses (( and )) around for link and image titles
  • Any escaped ASCII-punctuation character
  • Closing parenthesis ()) as an ordered list marker
  • URL definitions (and footnotes, when enabled) in blockquotes

CommonMark mode disallows:

  • Code directly following a paragraph
  • ATX-headings (# Hash headings) without spacing after opening hashes
    or and before closing hashes
  • Setext headings (Underline headings\n---) when following a paragraph
  • Newlines in link and image titles
  • White space in link and image URLs in auto-links (links in brackets,
    < and >)
  • Lazy blockquote continuation, lines not preceded by a closing angle
    bracket (>), for lists, code, and thematicBreak
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