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@aljoscha %tJEHP/JKQ96Q0lA8aYhby8Db8q17BKdeSOwnyOtSe1A=.sha256
Re: %7FGRr9Ovc

I wanted to look at how much effort this would take to implement. As a starting point, I chose to see how createHistoryStream is implemented and where it gets used. After 15 minutes of trying to find its definition, I've given up. I'm not even sure which module to look in. Started in 'scuttlebot', then meandered to 'secure-scuttlebutt', which seems to load an object called db that refers createHistoryStream by name from 'level-sublevel/bytewise', which is a function that takes 'level' as an argument, at which point I decided to ask instead.

  • Where is getHistoryStream defined?
  • How does one add a new rpc to #sbot?
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