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@Christian Bundy %tKmR6dl0LoPunpZR51usc20lSKmMnOEXhoeCv3vBKYM=.sha256
Re: %RZW7keS4V

Found a config to ignore lockfiles system-wide:


  • Default: true
  • Type: Boolean

If set to false, then ignore package-lock.json files when installing. This will also prevent writing package-lock.json if save is true.

When package package-locks are disabled, automatic pruning of extraneous modules will also be disabled. To remove extraneous modules with package-locks disabled use npm prune.

This option is an alias for --shrinkwrap.

npm config set package-lock false

cc: @dominic is this something you'd fine helpful?
I think diffs can be ignored too:

# one-off command
git diff master -- ^package-lock.json

# global config
echo "package-lock.json binary" >> /etc/gitattributes
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