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@ओषधिः %uPj1C7gWHu2ab4fFDvNDc9wtRwre9aKqnDg4DeSzS+M=.sha256
Re: %rRYBfjQWo

It fascinatea me that circumstances can be almost exactly the same but that a brain can perceive it as straightforward or draining to interact with

@Mix Android I've found ayurveda to be really helpful for thinking about how I experience energy and motivation over the day, and weeks and years etc.

even if not always following "the rules" of ayurveda rigorously (which vary person to person anyway), there's something about how it considers the effects of all types of things (what you taste, what colors you see, what weather your experience, what sounds your exposed to, whats happening for you emotionally) and how it interacts with your system, and how these combinations are always changing, that puts me in an interesting headspace, and to think more creatively about where my energy is coming from and what effects it

sometimes what I need is something to shake me up, sometimes something to calm me down, sometimes this over longer time-lengths too (not always a quick fix). its also interesting you use the metaphor of "wind" because they are constantly talking about wind in ayurveda and to increase or lessen it lol ... for me usually too much wind (frenetic energy in multiple directions) is more of an issue than becalmed ... anywho glad youre feeling better and hope you continue to find some gentle beautiful-temperature breezes showing up

also check out this clock which is definitely not the schedule I keep but I enjoy looking at


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