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@Rabble %uctyQ/DnyDHsjZGzGihRoOwQrPegRMaztUHQfE/ilG8=.sha256

I’m in Montevideo for a couple days staying in an Airbnb. This one has a nice view of the water but it’s also got this really weird door person. It’s a live video and you can talk to the person. It feels really Orwellian to be perfectly honest.

planetary attachment no.1
planetary attachment no.2

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@Shane Raynor [phone] %HHXyY6ERjzfkJa4GHkLqFnZIfCbn86N/PY7YYoMEl9Q=.sha256
Voted I’m in Montevideo for a couple days staying in an Airbnb. This one has a ni
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@Chris %tvrGQZpEsvcRWy6b8m8tXBe4VHa/VeuNx2YldnKmjis=.sha256

Where is that person located physically??

@Rabble %4R+tGGv9660JCckDNW+5/ZLSem4CJeK4Mbzt8kRZHsk=.sha256

Chris I’m not sure. I asked a few of them and they never answered directly. I think it’s a call center which is crazy during covid. I sometimes could hear other people talking in the background and it sounded like similar conversations.

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