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Re: %BC5kpkVtA

Fayettenam update May 29th 2017

I haven't had an opportunity to update the network on my personal life in awhile, so I thought I'd write a little bit about where @gb and I have been and what we've been up to.

Two weeks ago our living situation changed abruptly when @gb's grandfather passed away and then her grandmother let us know the same day (by changing the locks without warning) that we no longer welcome at her house or to continue to use the car [@gb]'s grandfather loaned us to get to and from work. @gb wrote about what happened on here site here and here. I'm not related to these folks, so I think it's better if you get the full story from her.

Needless to say, ending up homeless and carless in Fayetteville unexpectedly was kind of a stressful thing. The good news is we both have restaurant jobs, so we were able to check into a weekly hotel with decent rates. It's a little more expensive than an apartment would be, but the trade off is flexibility and all utilities included except for Internet which is an extra $10 a week. We could leave at any time, but I think staying in Fayetteville and keeping our jobs is the wise thing to do right now.

Now we take the bus and/or walk to and from work, which is what I'm more comfortable with anyway. I hate cars. Not having a car in Fayetteville is kind of weird, but I've spent the majority of my life in big cities (NYC, Chicago, SF, Mexico City) so I'm much more comfortable using public transportation and walking.

Since the stress of two weeks ago is subsiding, I'm beginning to be able to refocus on working on projects that I care about -- such as maintaining my website, and working on %minbay. A few days ago I refactored %minbay into %minbase -- which should give people a stable base on which to build ssb lite clients.

Here's a photo of @gb and Mallory the Machete last night at Mac's:


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