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Re: %I6FaCzdXc

What is the current status of private messages in SSB? I am using the latest patchwork and sometimes patchbay. Should I be concerned about my private message content leaking? - @bobhaugen

Good question.

Another update: I've merged a PR that removes these special privileges and released the result as ssb-ws@6.0.0. Please ping me if you have any trouble updating, as I'd love to get everyone running ssb-server@latest. - @Christian Bundy

hey! I didn't see this post, because you did not mention me on it.

@dominic's statements on your issue are factually incorrect, the lite client is still being used by both my team and regular's team.

In addition, I find dominic's denial of my existence deeply troubling.

The issue with the lite client is that private message data is being stored in plain text.

I think security professionals would agree that storing private data in plain text is a security issue.

I'd love to use ssb-server@latest, but it also needs to support my lite client use case instead of pretending that it does not exist.

If the ssbc team cannot support the lite client, and turning off private message indexing, then I will create a fork of ssb that does.

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