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@cel %xfm0ViSoXTD0S/+U4FJOPf16YtLas4h7m0GWqJb3J60=.sha256
Re: %kTiIhBBHr

experimenting with an interface based on digs


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@cel %9boomzVLP+1YNvN1ANW04pv1EkTYMEDCpIdPq4tsnrc=.sha256

@kodo votes branch.

use git ls-remote -h origin to list remote branches

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@cel %oLOE9l2mj/tdYeObpcq3DxIemBCPKq06xP9itp6Y9nk=.sha256

@TronDD that will not show you if a branch has been updated since last time you fetched

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