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@mix %xzXTRrjvbVeqbGm9R0e6+C4ZasZGN41Z2gD5o5bKLMw=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT

@marina one challenge I've faced when writing or speaking about scuttlebutt is that there's sometimes a lot of dependent ideas. This might be just me, but I find it hard to talk aboutwho can see my messages? without talking about how the messages get around (gossip), and this normally takes some time.

Solutions to this are analogies which might compress those ideas, or some hand-waving (with follow-up if more detail is needed). I think that article I posted about safety and blocking backfired a bit in part because of this missing context. Specific example was the phrase

information flows along trust lines

This sounds poetic, but is actually a shorthand for the programmatic truth. (but you need to know that trust means following and trusting the follows of people you follow, and infomation flow means p2p gossip).

I think there was a similar problem with not expanding on

We’re a p2p network, where messages are gossiped — how do you say things publicly and have them not get to that person?
You tell your friends that’s what you want, and they respect your decision!

This also sounds wishy-washy, but is actually just me trying to describe what the code does in human speak.

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