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@dan %zf0ObU857RcrHfo8Y/B+75RB9wtW5402RHvSgMouUBE=.sha256
Re: %Hl60icjZW

@mix " I originally encountered the idea listening to this talk by Jonathon Blow about how the gaming industry is evolving :
He does a great job of introducing the idea with examples from movies + tv, and then talks about how that relates to free to play games.
I may have read other things around this lightly but not to much. I feel totally licensed to fork and mutate the idea… no-one has told me I’m too off-piste yet!"

I watched this this afternoon (sped up to 1.75 was still parsable) and i am impressed that the talk has sent you off with a new lens as you've made your way over topographies :) it's fun to have an insight into resources which have had profound effects on peers.

It also did help to clarify some things for me and I think I'll keep wrestling with it till I come up with something coherent. I'll make a first parse now as I seem to be in an ssb post making mood which is rare these days.

  • in Blow's comparisons of structural forces changing the shape of the content/message of tv over time (syndication, adverts) it would be interesting to see tv from places outside USA (India, UAE) where different cultures and laws would exert different structural effects.
  • Blow contested that the medium you interact with as a builder will change your conciousness (if you spend 40 hrs a week relating to your audience in a particular way this will change how you see your audience / people).

Basically I am coming at this as structures around class, abelism, race, whiteness, supremacy in all its forms is the medium. These effect the shape of our perceptions and shape what we can see and interpret. I am sure someone out there has written on this in a more coherent way - probably one to ask @teq
or @manni

p.s. I found the game about the border guards fucking weird

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