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Feed of @Jackson de Jesus

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@Jackson de Jesus %PVRQtLyyLmpyaRyMhS1HOhJi1P6ozK91iZtQjovdaW0=.sha256
Voted #GNU #Linux-libre 5.17.5-gnu, 5.15.3[67]-gnu, 5.10.113-gnu1, 5.4.191-gnu1,
@Jackson de Jesus %nYtGoxqJ8jHCDAQSJ7Vk8Wu646lAkAi7DjfnoaSST/k=.sha256

Sabe a sorte? Gastei a minha toda hoje, rs...

Termooo #118 *2/6 🔥 1


@Jackson de Jesus %KeRltRotmotyy9gUR0M1DhQnguYW8Zr9EsDmoMjs4GM=.sha256
Voted #manyverse #dev-diary ~ - started officially helping [@atomrc 📱](@R/We4B
@Jackson de Jesus %4eIPEwzPgy7/vTE1NhN1szTFndQEYJwf4LhAi8tnvJA=.sha256

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@Jackson de Jesus %IFp0TZ0KV/fi142L7f16f9D7F+bmbCI2G7qyA/74Ns0=.sha256
Re: %whEdPSS6r

Promising, good expectations!

@Jackson de Jesus %lEWfCObXM5+8jww698qnL+Nx2PARvw/9Oz1SC1I7ilM=.sha256
Voted ![Decentralisation Book promo-2.gif](&HAbZvYLdvcO0eP1cfzLVOgaMhjr2P4gDztctq
@Jackson de Jesus %inD4j0XtF5HSf3Egxg82/9fImHxC54qSy8Lz1NPF68s=.sha256

Scientists are puzzled how such small objects can have control over other immensely huge ones (in astronomical terms, of course), because of the contrast between black holes (which are neither holes nor black, but regions in space-time) in relation to their respective galaxies (they believe that each galaxy is ruled by a black hole at its center).

It seems to me that they have not read (or have forgotten) Manoel de Barros: "My poetic impulse tells me that big things must be unbalanced with small things."

What Does A Black hole Look Like? | Your Cosmos | Earth Lab

@Jackson de Jesus %s6ev9mDIe1AIByipm2HQ3C1aIm+x0LvTsATudoeSVj0=.sha256

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@Jackson de Jesus %oTfRC4fFD7WeJ02ROvEhXS+ExojLTJCue9gjD3MpybU=.sha256
Voted .oO desejo uma boa segunda-feira de cinzas a todos
@Jackson de Jesus %kza20feQHdNUcen+xXJM5UTHlfh9H06MaZpdwzPW4mc=.sha256
Voted .oO que tiradentes ressuscite no terceiro dia de carnaval e nos liberte a t

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