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@Soapy mcSoap %whEdPSS6rN4ggnNocrP7qpQ+3U0BEebWoqZLLsS+Rno=.sha256
Re: %Cxe27tA8l

Decentralisation Book promo-2.gif

Yeah! It is early days but I'm working on a new book that I plan to release before June. It is a small introductory book about decentralisation protocols. Each section is an introduction to a protocol followed by a hands-on project building a little protocol-specific project using JS.

You can follow it at:

I'm licensing the book using Creative Commons but I'll be selling it both in Leanpub and on my website because this is my work and I need to make a living. :-)

And since I let you all waiting for too long, here is a mockup:


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@Soapy mcSoap %aREN0ZD/iwsK/1OfW/TSoafeKkxas3CKjNBPzpG2Yv0=.sha256 I spent a long time looking for nice shroom line art to use on the cover :-)

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@Soapy mcSoap %Qi+/Dz3V2lVQJZC9b0xGppNQNvB8HAlci5jQHpVr9DU=.sha256

Thanks a ton @epk :D :D :D

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@Soapy mcSoap %EV5+7uPtQvkYz7TEzcYCltRCcEN6Dc1wRhNG67ucw1I=.sha256

@andrew 🐝 I'll make an early release soon. It will be cheaper and automatically update to subsequent releases. One thing I enjoy about Leanpub is that they handle fulfilment for you, which means I can keep updating the book and readers are notified. That allows me to release early with safety and also fine tune the book based on feedback.

@Jackson de Jesus %IFp0TZ0KV/fi142L7f16f9D7F+bmbCI2G7qyA/74Ns0=.sha256

Promising, good expectations!

@ओषधिः %nJ6Y1bthSrd70yMuaAH1Q0kuosAhFEOxcr7bxpOBNhM=.sha256

love this concept and framing and title :-) four is a nice number

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@Soapy mcSoap %nBNsJVTQn6fM7Tn4NUjoqNMs1hLAr6OIehTFkTPvLsM=.sha256

Thanks a ton @notplants and @zelf :D :D :D I probably spent more time searching for mushroom line art than actually building the samples I need.

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@Soapy mcSoap %kHOz/2Ot0Nc21SvhBYWHP6nEvkHTDatrD3HMOFPzwQk=.sha256

@notetiene I can try some print-on-demand solution such as KDP, but that will have to be way later in the game. I can't update print books, so I'll have to iterate over the ebook first until the content is good enough to print.

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