Status is looking for a Cypherpunk Campaign Director:
"We are searching for Pirates, Crypto-anarchists and Lunarpunks. Not Defi, NFT or Ex-Agency/Advertising candidates.
You’re passionate about open source and p2p technologies for their potential to change how society is structured. You understand that blockchain networks and privacy-preserving tech are more than technologies - they’re part of a larger social movement for increasing individual freedom. You want to be a part of this movement.
You believe in the power of creating grassroots communities, and recognize this requires a cohesive communications strategy, advocacy, and an understanding of culture."
{ "type": "about", "about": "@A/B6mqn9pKzSQ+Ro+gNNubf2wN92Fsr9oT/cAUkcsL0=.ed25519", "image": "&LrNk9wgUjsZF91qbV0QaydUVKtiQmh2rIJhqad5PqV8=.sha256" }
Hi! I work for Status, and we currently have a number of job openings. Payment in crypto is definitely possible.
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