{ "type": "about", "about": "%Jg9QUXtWXQQHgGNUvnkBzulHl6XflXU74I/z8Ino9yE=.sha256", "attendee": { "link": "@Bk5uzkFxdMJnJR+rKVd+X4LO/u+8VV+lA14e+XLabXQ=.ed25519", "remove": true } }
{ "type": "about", "about": "@Bk5uzkFxdMJnJR+rKVd+X4LO/u+8VV+lA14e+XLabXQ=.ed25519", "name": "Daan (deprecated)", "description": "**DEPRECATED**\n\nFor now, I might still be active here on occasion, but for timely interaction (@mentions, answers, or private messages) please use [my main feed](@MRiJ+CvDnD9ZjqunY1oy6tsk0IdbMDC4Q3tTC8riS3s=.ed25519) instead.\n\n❤️ | 😡" }
{ "type": "about", "about": "@Bk5uzkFxdMJnJR+rKVd+X4LO/u+8VV+lA14e+XLabXQ=.ed25519", "image": "&/xdDoI1qrE5eV2hmBZzOz1Am6yewPP3HklsVFSjKRU0=.sha256" }
Deprecating This Feed
All passengers please leave the ship.
TL;DR: use my main feed for contact from now on.
Dear all,
as previously announced I will be terminating this feed in the near future. For now, I will not formally terminate it, since I will still have access to the machine hosting it and the protocol for termination has not yet been decided on.
I will be waiting to see if any new input to this emerges out of the currently ongoing discussions of feed formats, tangles, etc. In the meantime, please be advised that @mentioning this feed, or sending private messages to it, will likely not result in a timely response.
If you want to be reasonably sure that I see your response, mention, or private message, please address it to my main feed!
On the one hand I want to ask for that to become a use case. On the other hand.... That just encourages risky behaviour :D
there is a thing called ssb-lan?
I'm not sure how #ssb-conn handles the case where there is a local peer with the same feed id. I launched a different identity for debugging and it showed my laptop on the local net just fine, and I had to click "connect" in the sidebar to gossip. I don't see that now that they're both running the same ID again. Maybe that's a special case?
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