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Feed of @scp collector

just learning

@scp collector %3F5kta6BwWFklqboo/1eUUBHMl3Z13day1CgsbjaMno=.sha256
Followed @Planetary System Pub 2
@scp collector %uFpW+UJ5pERoflW+TtwKiUr2NQDpnCTvPaRXnaeUoq8=.sha256
Followed @Monero Pub
@scp collector %ZFQ/8wqF7wHqWde1lSl1ayI6G0mxgz3WTsTHjAwvs4o=.sha256
Voted At work we have a Postgres database that is used just to speed up some quer
@scp collector %Pjkoh9A/wq5Q46y2HzfHP16rJ+BjLn9tNS60DPsWjuI=.sha256
Followed @ryanwhitney-dev
@scp collector %W2iP3Rq/UpLAaHnniO1HcZEubI1N+Kh0wLBMPL/ek0k=.sha256
Connected to the pub
@scp collector %ZFy8jT3w3wcgZiutm4AfwmRrcRdRuwlhE+34FHkJwUU=.sha256
Re: %rDOkKxXSA

Ah so it does validate entire feed and not just per-message signatures, I see... Was previously puzzles why the initial sync is that heavy

@scp collector %gB41b86EesD5uH9vF7+RqEDZJooSE98Ve3Cd0FVb85Y=.sha256
Followed @John
@scp collector %rQs0FqFPbsAgGtauiXeSrhLhdN4/dK4uXrBRLiGrZpU=.sha256
Followed @Toul
@scp collector %qB2pnFSYcvABjxuMTLc9iHc6IQAWDUGP1oMg24rfde4=.sha256
Voted Decided to follow everyone. Seeing only a few posts from around hundred plu
@scp collector %oO6g3M3hPrkHLKI1IvAFWKsTfmH1NbS4TPgM/ely1a4=.sha256
Followed @Rabble

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