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Feed of @Matt Lorentz (desktop)

Developer, gamer, backpacker, climber, wannabe solarpunk, gardener in meatspace and cypherspace. CTO at, building a social media commons centered around trust, freedom of listening, and self-organization.

send private messages to @PvmKtS6YfGL3nxMYJjzLlYSQTMxD9levOaRoFAQFzR4=.ed25519 (Patchwork)

I am also @4wXR/KiJrkz9D2LPXpZl5XOLw+gYCoJW6p6rwFlI5yA=.ed25519 (phone)

@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %THCazmRRgujirKLA8K87k5R5UIFhy0zeDP9dXH+iEXU=.sha256

One of the most exciting things to happen at Planetary lately is that we got Linda4 to join the team for real this time as our Chief Product Officer! She’s looking for folks to be part of a user research pool to answer questions about their social media usage and help us co-build Nos. If you are willing to contribute please sign up here:

@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %qPb3HsnV+Lug0qxQsjjIYWqFsNZY3TkmAXj6fTImtvU=.sha256
Voted I think it exists, there's like these big fluffy things you cover microphon
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %GpOSX0ljkn7OJ8HMUaHWcKC4CzNQX+hbdTXsE/nW/iM=.sha256
Voted # SSB-EBT Documentation I've wrapped up the SSB-EBT documentation effort a
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %USVS/W9Six+gWfbzjfGY4+6CLWcUVanwFcQMiDi6Lz4=.sha256
Voted Added a pocketwatch pocket to my overalls: ![A pair of overalls with a poc
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %MMHYndOCdEnzbrpgcPQB0vYlnbTq2wHnHCKmgYx6OHY=.sha256
Followed @Techpriest Baunach 005
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %s0nbg0I/4dHBBk6/alwkXTNWnqAXVMoc31AX5uusXmA=.sha256
Followed @trystimuli
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %i3XEG05qfO1H/B3Zuz1+FUqIK3G6EdKU+agCqMCraUE=.sha256
Followed @Jeremy List 🍂
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %IRHZpRgiyyHfydI72Iz3lYmQIkJZeCY/soM8UegbJcA=.sha256
Followed @Techpriest Baunach 004
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %YK10a+z5GI7GRNXURC+Vfd890D3WB5QMEu8AKNGSBpA=.sha256
Followed @Techpriest Baunach 002
@Matt Lorentz (desktop) %QA6mH3rWwp+NrKQ359+4pH1aEZmtvYMEyFywkakcEmQ=.sha256
Re: %k3LNwUhLI

This is a genuine question. I don’t know anything about microphones or if such a thing exists or how expensive it is. But I am willing to put some $$$ towards it.

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