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Feed of @wakest (iOS Planetary)

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@wakest (iOS Planetary) %SXgufIH6InfpYJP1M8qrv8jwUWYtCRBHM4gydooeKhw=.sha256
Voted This is a cool idea. Choose your favourite authors, get an RSS feed of thei
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %vJLbXGtc5ZI0b9LmtpIyegVy6/s+ZRQLDhdZ6gRgmQM=.sha256
Followed @Zenna
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %2akmvN/VN0DhmrikTqQtTcpEIRYiuD2gCR95UU7mlko=.sha256
Voted #manyverse desktop making progress! Able to sort of render a thread and com
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %LVjy48iptqNHRhHf6jHBRyGxwqszzBOpmmHTk5BR+6E=.sha256
Followed @Mix Android
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %nGj8slqqCX2+Upm3JuxYxvRH3YpgFa3xj/LEuFDI+sQ=.sha256
Voted This is a long post about my current dreams for SSB, putting a few pieces t
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %I8jPwn5aYgi7IAXiCtIWiIjXkUHe1bYX21xZ4J17Bxo=.sha256
Followed @ओषधिः
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %iKhhre6gsHlVM7d/YjxeA/BVsSulkvFpxj8RKiqd1TI=.sha256
Voted ## Facilitation in threads? Imagine you want to host a nice and fruitful d
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %IaEL1ysazH7Q6/AL394d2Nt7GauBwqFt6DXMixsDZSU=.sha256
Voted ## Introducing Realities TLDR: It's a webapp that's a bit like [P2Panda](h
@wakest (iOS Planetary) %hlCay+C7caUwfUK5UXHf5kkdOlDZA9U1c/dkqpkVv3Q=.sha256
Re: %LiGnsatvw

I just started a new mastodon server at that will be friends only and was thinking it might be a nice domain to have a little ssb pub on if anyone has the energy to set it up there I would be happy to host it on my server.

@wakest (iOS Planetary) %G5reIHcxvYrs0QQSqDTsUbAIUasTp/qnH3SW8AE8i2U=.sha256
Voted ### "Very big pubs" section in the pub wiki A month ago [I asked](%/emiRIU

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